The Pros And Cons Of Politics In Politics

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The reason why we choose politicians as the most distrusted profession because many people debates have become shouting matches filled with insults and half-truths instead of forums for political candidates to express opposing points of view. Add that to politicians taking kick-backs, cheating on their spouses and lying to their constituents. It 's not hard to see why politicians have gained a bad reputation. The politicians are generally elected officials who run the federal government and state and local governments. They enact and carry out laws and make decisions about the distribution of public funds. There is no formal training to become a politician. Many lawyers enter politics, but anyone can become a politician. All it takes is the desire to influence the laws of the country or of your particular city, town or state. We generally do not care about things that do not have an immediate impact on their lives. The example, issues such as fiscal deficits, FDI in retail etc. is not something that impacts the life of your everyday teenager for him or her to care enough about. Seeing the same breaking news and in the papers causes we to lose interest and they develop a very lousy attitude about the on goings in the political world. On the other hand, some people are not aware of what opportunities could come their way when they decide to enter the field of politics. Globally too, people also shun politics as they feel it is very drab and boring and meant for older men.