
The Pros And Cons Of Private Prisons

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As Emily enters jail, she has no idea what to expect in prison. She believes prison punishes people appropriately and gives people time to rehabilitate themselves. Adam believes our prison system is a complete failure and explains why. There are 2.2 million people incarcerated in the U.S 10x more then it was 50 years ago. A study conducted by the NYU school of Law found that the effect on the crime rate of increasing incarceration has been 0. Some prisons make money like the Corrections Corporation of America which is why people are continuing to be put in jail. A lot of it started during the war on drugs in the 80s. Tom Beasley is the co-founder of CCA. CCA took in 1.7 billion dollars last year. Private prisons cost the tax payers just as much as regular prisons. 1/5 of prisoners are held in a fore-profit facility. Private prisons give out …show more content…

It can have devastating effects on a prisoner’s mental mental health. They are left alone for 23 hours a day in a room with a bed. This kind of punishment started in the 1800s. Its called archaic. Supreme Court declared the prisoners in solitary confinement became insane and suicidal. It fell out of the United States for some time but was brought back into the prison system a few decades ago. Humans going without social interact can cause brain damage. They hallucinate and become depressed. They lose track of time. Anyone can be sent to confinement. It is given to between 80 and 100 thousand people a year. There are actual prisons made up of just solitary confinement called Supermax prisons . Research shows solitary causes a syndrome called delirium. Kalief Browder who was accused of stealing a backpack and was placed into solitary for almost 2 years and then his case was thrown out. He never went to trial. Once released he would stay in his room in which he eventually committed suicide. Some people are kept in solitary confinement for

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