The Pros And Cons Of Progressive Foreign Policy

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Today, numerous aspects of Progressive philosophy have vanished from American foreign policy thought, particularly the conviction that historical development legitimizes supremacist imperialism. Americans stay uncertain whether advancing our own security and interests for their own purpose is ethically adequate or by one means or another despicable. Almost every President since Wilson, paying little heed to political groups, has felt constrained to legitimize American action abroad, both to our own citizens and to remains of the world, with confirmations that we are acting out of sympathy toward our interests, as well as for the welfare of other groups and the worldwide community in general.1 In every recent example of significant military …show more content…

A renewed comprehension of these standards will permit us to justify actions abroad that advance our security and interests but temper that pursuit with a consciousness of our ethical commitments to different countries. The net impact of a renewed application of Founding principles would be a foreign policy that better promotes our good, the good of other countries and people, and the good of the world as a whole. Understanding the dangerous inadequacies of Progressive foreign policy, combined with a proper information of Founding foreign policy, will permit us to stay away from the pitfalls of two extremes in contemporary foreign policy: on the one extreme, a simply unbiased and idealistic foreign policy by which we interminably devote our military and other assets to the freedom and welfare of others and a policy of neutrality or intolerant self-enthusiasm by which both neglect forward-thinking actions necessary for our immediate and future security and miss genuine chances to help other people by prudentially advancing the universal principles to which we as a nation are committed.3 The loss of this conviction was the high cost of the Progressives' rebuilding of American foreign policy. A reestablished comprehension of the Founders' foreign policy is the way to reestablishing