Torture Vs Torture Essay

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Although it was preformed in secret, torture is an aspect of history that has been occurring for decades. When an individual is tortured it is a method of inflicting pain onto someone in order to cause extreme suffering. Individuals who are being tortured are being led to a breaking point where they no longer have their dignity and must surrender or give in to the torturer in order for the pain to stop. Torturing is not something that is not used carelessly in most cases and is mainly utilized as a means to gain information. Punishment, on the other hand, is a method of deterrence from committing a crime or activity again and used as a way to rehabilitate individuals to allow them to change their ways for the better rather than an “eye for …show more content…

One significant difference between the aspect of torture and punishment is that when one is punished there is assurance that they did commit the crime and it has already happened while torture is utilized, in most cases, when there is a possibility that something could happen and we are trying to receive the information to stop it and it is not a guaranteed thing that the individual is even withholding the information we …show more content…

The main goal of a terrorist is to instill terror by deliberately killing innocent people. For example, the devastating act of 9/11 was an act of terrorism where thousands of innocent people were killed while going about their daily activities. In these situations, the priority of the terrorist is to intentionally harm civilians with no means of harming the people that are directly against their views such as government or military individuals. The severity of these actions cause extreme pain and suffering for so many families and, as a result, I believe that in some cases torture is permissible if it can prevent a tragedy like this from happening again. I believe that if there is an individual that is believed to be a terrorist and is planning a mass causality such as a bomb or another terrorist attack and there is almost certainty that they are withholding information that could lead to the deaths of thousands of people- torture should come into