The Pros And Cons Of Pursuing The Carlsbad Desalination Project

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San Diego Country should not continue to pursue the Carlsbad Desalination Project for many reasons. My first reason is that it can harm marine life. Second, it will make the ocean waters much saltier. Lastly, it is very expensive project. For these reasons, the desalination project should not continue. First of all, the Carlsbad Desalination Project can harm marine life. For example, in the article California tries one solution to water problems- treating seawater by NEWSELA, it says, “...80 percent of tiny organisms- including fish eggs- will be sucked into the desalination plant and be killed. Many small lifeforms that fish depend on for food would be destroyed.” This shows that the desalination plant will kill a large percentage of small organisms, which would strongly affect the fish that eat them, and all of the fish in the ocean. The whole ecosystem would be negatively impacted by the Carlsbad Desalination Project. …show more content…

For example, in the article, California tries one solution to water problems- treating seawater by NEWSELA, it says, “To produce 50 million gallons per day of freshwater, Carlsbad will draw in 100 million gallons of seawater. The rest is returned to the ocean, but its salt lever doubled. The discharge water is so salty that it does not dissolve well in the ocean.” This shows that there would be salt sitting on the ocean floor. The more water they take from the ocean, the saltier the ocean water will get. As a result, the fish or other organisms living in the ocean could get sick from the intense amount of salt in the

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