The Pros And Cons Of Quantum Mechanics

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This paper accounts to unfold the different dimensions of quantum mechanics as well as it tries to throw light on the different theories regarding nuclear physics. Special care has been taken to enlighten on the use of nuclear physics in the field of medical science and modern health care. To meet the energy need of today we need an alternative source which should be perfect from each and every angle and that could be done by the blessings of nuclear physics that is by virtue of the nucleosynthesis. It has efforts to clarify the concepts and possibilities regarding the nuclear fission and fusion phenomena. Here efforts have been taken to give a clear concept of the structure of the atom and the nucleus especially. Apart from all these things …show more content…

The atomic nucleus was discovered at the University of Manchester for the first time and much of the early, numerous seminal research works into nuclear structure was carried out in the UK. Now other than UK this nuclear research is being carried out in Germany and France. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) fund for the various nuclear research indifferent sectors. Now, UK is funding for different engineering and nuclear research programmes. All the matter we see around us are composed of different types of atoms. Deep in the heart of each atom there is the nucleus, which is composed of yet smaller particles, protons and neutrons (nucleons). Their behavior is controlled by three fundamental forces of nature – the strong force, together with the weak and electromagnetic forces. These forces combine to generate highly complex nuclear structures that are challenging to study and understand. This complex structure and energy based force is responsible for the large scale energy emission. The UK is having an experiment called NuSTAR. It is contributing to NuSTAR (Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions) at a major new European facility based in Darmstadt, Germany – the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). It will comprise a large accelerator complex for generating intense beams of a wide range of nuclei, of which many are unstable and very rare. The antiprotons beams (the antimatter version of protons) will also be generated to investigate quark interactions. Different nations are having their nuclear super specialized research centres to carry out the same and to ensure the new discoveries. At CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, the UK is already involved in ALICE, an experiment using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to study and know the whole phenomenon how quarks first interacted in