
The Pros And Cons Of Raising Minimum Wage

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Alexis Greco Professor Hall English 1010 29 October 2016 Should We Raise Minimum Wage? In Rex Huppke’s article, “In the Minimum Wage Debate, Both Sides Make Valid Points”, Huppke’s position on raising minimum wage started out as being for raising minimum wage. He states in the beginning of this article, “As I began this series of columns, my gut feeling was: RAISE IT!”. After some research, he realized that both sides have valid points, just as the title tells us. Although the author says both sides have a valid argument he takes a stance for supporting raising minimum wage when it could negatively impact our economy in many ways such as destroying our economy by increasing poverty, inflation of prices for consumer goods, and increasing unemployment because of the shortage of of jobs due to businesses laying people off. …show more content…

Our poverty level would increase dramatically in the United States. "The net effect of higher minimum wages would be unfavorable for impoverished households, even if there are no job losses. To the extent that some poor households also lose jobs, their net losses would be greater." Stated by Thomas Grennes a professor at North Carolina State University. Some people who have jobs making minimum wage use that to support their families some are young adults who are attending their first job to create experience to build for their career. Rex Huppke, in the article, talks about why he is for the raise, and says what strikes him most is thinking about the diversity of minimum wage earners, some could be teens with first time jobs, then it could be older workers supplementing their income, and some who are truly struggling to make ends

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