The Pros And Cons Of Refugees In Syria

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In Syria, there is a Civil War going on, which has been extremely deadly since 2011. Innocent Syrian lives are being impacted and the country is essentially in ruins. To help provide Syrians with a better life, many countries are taking in refugees from Syria. The more developed, western countries are best suited to take in refugees. Recently, differences in political views have provided strong views on whether or not this process should be continued, expanded, or discontinued altogether. This is very controversial, because many people think taking in refugees is impacting their own country negatively. But others think there are not any negatives to taking in refugees. And some people believe there are cons, but the cons are outweighed by the …show more content…

One example of this is what happened to Antoni Regal. He was told “that he and others like him constituted just the sort that should be kept out.” The people who said this to him neglected to learn anything about the man and judged him just based off of his ethnicity. They said this to a man whose family has a deep history of being hard working American citizens, positively impacting the country. His family had people who were nurses, truck drivers, a professor, and some who served in multiple American Wars. Antoni Regal was portrayed to be a terrible person just due to his ethnicity, when in reality he comes from a family with a deep history of positively impacting America. People need to be more considerate for refugees as they make the transition into a new …show more content…

The Michigan Syrian refugee center claimed to receive a ton of support directly after Trump’s election, with a 30% increase in volunteer’s right after. This shows support of many people; when they saw the fear in Syrian refugees after Trump was elected, they immediately wanted to help the Syrians out. One refugee, Abdulsalam talks about how surprised he has been surprised by the lack of racism in America, and how much everyone supports, likes, and cares about his family, even his kids at school are treated great. Abdulsalam’s experience proves that refugees can fit in with everyone if their community treats them well. If people consider the feelings of Syrian’s, they can all be welcomed into their new

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