The Pros And Cons Of Republican Congress

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The Republican Congress members, not unlike the presidents in politics, also have tendency to fail on delivering their promises. The Republican Congress, in total, have kept a low 38 percent of their promises. That means that the Republican Congress only managed to follow through on a little more than a third of the promises they made..This means that they only delivered on about a third of the reasons or promises that individuals had voted them into their positions. The 38 percent of promises fulfilled by the Republican Congress leaves a staggering 62 percent of their promises that were not fully kept and enacted upon. Thirty percent of the promises the Republican Congress made were partially fulfilled through compromises.Not unlike the promises Obama made, the promises of the Republican Congress were a large reason the officials were elected into their offices. Typically, individuals hold the expectation that when they elect officials into an office, the …show more content…

Society generally deems lying as wrong, but there a grey area remains present when one considers whether a lie truly is moral. There are two sides to every story and multiple factors one must consider.. The phrase “little white lie” downplays the moral backing to the general teaching that lying and deceit are bad. The lies that are categorized in that area are considered beneficial in the context that they are intended to “help” an individual, such as with esteem, or to not hurt an individual 's feelings. The white lies can morally start to develop and spiral into worse and worse scenarios. Then they are no longer considered white lies. The situation surrounding the lie being told is incredibly important to how “moral” the lie is considered. Back to the case of the murderer, is it more ethical to serve the prison sentence or is it more ethical to stay and take care of the child who has no one else. And how lying about the murder case can benefit the