Why Do We Have Guns In The Uk Essay

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In the UK it is a very rare occurance to see someone in possesion of a firearm, strict laws state that to own a gun in the UK, you would need to either have a special licence or be in the police. Across the country it is believed these strict laws are accountable for the extremely low number of Mass shootings in the UK, unlike the increasing numbers of shootings in the USA, where it is not uncommon to see people with a gun. Firearms are noutioursly easy to obtain, in fact, some supermarkets even sell these dangerous weapons, which is why most adults in the United states own at least one, the only exception is people who have a criminal record or mental health problems. In the US constitution, which is a number of basic rules that the people of America live by, it is written that anyone of age can buy and carry a gun and it has been this way since 1791. In the recent section of this long period of time, there have been many school shootings which have taken the lives of many innocent young children and teachers. The president of the USA, Donald Trump …show more content…

If teachers were specially trained to use guns the same way as police are, in my opinion they should be treated the same way. These school attacks last around 3 minutes and it takes around 5-9 minutes for police to arrive which is another reason why arming teachers could prevent deaths by reacting rapidly to the intruder. Another reason would be the fact that the government are already back peddling on raising the age which a gun can be purchased meaning school shootings are still as common. I also feel that if teachers were to be in possesion of a gun at their work, they should recieve a slight increase in wages which would make more teachers want to be specially