The Pros And Cons Of Sexual Assault

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My thoughts on sexual assault is that it is out right disgusting. Sexual Assault is one of the worst things that could happen to a person. Imagine being stripped of your dignity, and having the feeling of losing all control in life. Someone has just torn down the life you have worked so hard to create, and made you feel like a nobody. One of my biggest problems with rape in this society is the way people continue to try and blame females. It's not even that females are getting blamed afterwards, it is the way that society tries to make women feel like they put themselves in those kinds situations. One of the worst things about it, is that it really starts when you are young. In school they tell girls that showing your shoulders and having your legs out is distracting to other students. So to prevent anything and to be on the safe side lets force them dress “appropriate”. When in fact we all go to school for the sole purpose of gaining knowledge. When a student is told to leave school because she isn’t dressed appropriately according to a bunch of …show more content…

I agree with the saying a taste of your own medicine. As much as I would love for them to feel same pain that the women felt. I know that them getting raped themselves is evil and it is not socially ethical. I know that I wouldn’t want wish rape on anyone but when someone has the audacity to rape someone else I can’t help but want them to taste their own medicine. My only other punishment I would be okay with is having them put away in a prison cell by themselves, with no human contact. I feel like just going to prison is to easy, they can still make friends and enjoy somethings. I know that prison is not a place that anyone wants to be but it can be bearable when you have people to talk to. I don’t think rapist deserve communication. I also don’t think they deserve to die because of my religion but this punishment is the only way I feel like they get what they

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