The Pros And Cons Of Student Loans

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Was it really worth it? The question most college graduates ask, when they receive their first bill from the US Dept. of education. The idea of student loans can be extremely deceiving, even after reading the fine print. Most students see them as a stepping stool, towards a more promising and financially stable future. Now it’s 4 years later, a degree has been obtained and students find themselves standing in the real world 50,000 dollars in debt and extremely overwhelmed. Student loans are without a doubt, help in middle to low income households. But, are they really worth the acquired stress they come along with? Many would agree that they may not be. According to a survey in August of 2015, 56% of Americans with student loans, and are between ages 18 and 29, have put off a major life event because of the burden of that debt. “Part of the problem could be that more than half of student borrowers who were surveyed, and 2/3 of millennials in that group, say …show more content…

There are many options that assist with repayment of the loans. Experiences with student loans and the acquired debt they bring doesn't always result in negative or stressful outcomes.Truthfully, debt of any loan can be overbearing and can lead to many different obstacle but, many people are willing to take the risk of student loans. Statistically, graduates have found a way to cope with the debt and stress post college,which comes many years after graduation. This is usually because at this point many take the initiative to educate themselves on what the debt actually means. Also, the U.S Dept of education has implemented many ways to help with student loans and to make the student loan experience a better one. Students can defer, adjust and in rare cases forbid student loans. Students can also cut interest by paying on these loans prior to graduation, when it is not required of them just

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