
The Pros And Cons Of The Banning Of Elephants

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The meaning of Ban: means officially or legally prohibited elephant trophy trade was banned in the U.S now President Donald Trump wants the ban to be lifted which will also gain the attention from the people who are for and against. Lifting this ban will have a substantial impact on the elephants being hunted and used as trophies.
The country would start bringing more revenue into the country. The money coming in will also go towards the elephants and their habitats. “In sum, these changes have the potential to secure elephant population and help grow then in places where numbers are declining”(Patel). Zimbabwe is a popular place to go elephant hunting because their population is high. The money will help them populate in different areas to help the growth. Well regulated sport hunting is beneficial for the U.S, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and the elephants. Animal trophies are worth a lot of money most revenue coming in is from wealthy hunters who hunt all the time. “The argument for allowing such imports is that countries can raise funds for conservation by allowing wealthy hunters to harvest big game”(Patel). Well managed hunting helps the elephants …show more content…

Hunting isn’t bad, but good for the population. “Hunting is not inherently bad thing for the animal conservation” (Patel). Most arguments use that the elephant will go extinct or continue to have very less populated areas. Instead this will help them regulate the population of elephants. This also keeps the population stable and grow faster. “One of those measure could be controlled hunting that shelves off individual number in the short term to create a bigger population growth in the long term” (Patel). What we would be doing wouldn’t hurt but help for the greater good. It also benefits other wildlife that are

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