The Pros And Cons Of The Citizens United States

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The synopsis of the Citizens United case is that there cannot be a ban on a speech given based on the corporate identity of the speaker. This law was aimed at Senator Hillary Clinton who was receiving funds from for-profit organizations. As for Citizens United, this is a nonprofit organization that has a 12 million dollar budget. They came up with a 90 minute documentary in order to keep people from voting for Hillary Clinton. President Obama actually condemned the ruling in his 2010 state of the union address. The 5-4 decision was a win for the first amendment, the freedom of speech. This keeps the government from trying to regulate political speech, but this does not keep the political parties from being corrupt from the corporate money. This case overruled two cases before it. …show more content…

It could also free interest groups from depending on one particular political party. More activist and other groups can have their voices heard without being affiliated with a major political party. It could also keep a good mixture of candidates in the local races. All Americans will have different ways to get their voice heard through free speech no matter who the speaker is. There are also cons to the ruling. The ruling gives more power to the conservatives so that they can use every trick in the book so that they can try to remain in power over the government. This is leading towards then using more propaganda and election fraud. Politics is judged by who has the most money wins. I think that we should but an end to the corporate takeover of the government. They keep attacking workplace safety regulations and they assault the workers unions. Looks like that they are trying every little move to block any relief that the middle class have left for relief from the corporate owners. This take over by corporate America will eventually end the American Democracy as we know