The Pros And Cons Of The Hubble Telescope

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As of 2018, the Hubble Telescope will be destroyed. Why? To replace it with its successor, the Webb telescope( As you may or may not know, it took years to even come close to perfection with the Hubble telescope, and they were still making improvements just a couple of years back. To just tear it down and replace it with the Webb telescope would not only be a waste of taxpayers’ money, but would also mean risking dozens of complications which will only push us back in space exploration, not move us forward. Today, the Hubble Telescope has brought us tons of information and pictures of space, including the oldest galaxy ever, the process of a nebula being born, HD images of our planets and more(Weiler, 5). After all of this, it …show more content…

According to an article published by the Houston Chronicle, “Grunsfeld said NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe made the decision and broke the news to workers at Goddard Spacefllight Center in Maryland on Friday morning, saying a planned space shuttle mission to service the telescope would be canceled”(Houston Chronicle, 2004). In short, the Hubble Telescope was planned to be up in space until it stopped working around 2007. Coming from an administrator at NASA, the decision should be final, right? Well as of right now, with help from the aerospace engineers at NASA, the telescope is reaching its 25th anniversary, still in space. After 25 years of serving us with efficiency, wouldn't it be unjust to just tear it down and consider it scrap metal, never to be used …show more content…

The Webb telescope is estimated to cost 8.7 billion dollars to build and send off into space, and with new technology being built for it, the cost is predicted to rise. Who’s paying for all of it? Why, the taxpayers of America, obviously. Of course we did pay money for the Hubble Telescope to be built, what’s wrong with the Webb Telescope being built with our money? Well, the problem is that we already spent so much money on the Hubble, so to just quadruple the amount on a device that might not work is asking for economical

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