The Pros And Cons Of The Internet Protocol

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The software layer describes the application layer communication protocol. It comprises of the Internet standards, UPnP, Web services, Service Oriented architecture, Representational state transfer and simple object access protocol.
2.31The Internet Standards
The following part describes various standards used over the Internet. These standardshelp the communication between devices (and their users, at the end). They are presentedfrom the lowest level of abstraction to the highest. Additionally, they belong to differentarchitectural OSI layer. Therefore, they build upon each other to work.
Internet Protocol (IP)
The Internet Protocol is the most common protocol of the network layer in the OSI reference model. It is the protocol at the heart of theInternet. Most devices support it.
The protocol is connection-less. The data are fragmented in units called packets for efficiencyreasons. A packet is made of a header to route the packet over the network and thedata. The header contains the source and destination IP addresses the source and destinationports, and other options. IP does not provide guaranteed delivery, duplicate avoidance,integrity, or correct ordering of packets. These properties, if needed, are the responsibilityof higher protocol layers (usually the transport layer with the Transmission ControlProtocol (TCP)). Therefore, it belongs to the best effort of delivery protocols’ category. TheUser Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a very light protocol that offers the same

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