The MMPI was created in the late 1930’s and first published in 1940. It was created by a psychologist Starke R. Hathaway and psychiatrist J.C. McKinley at the University of Minnesota. The test is intended to test people that might be a candidate of mental health or other clinical issues. It was not originally set out to be administered to non-clinical populations . “ The MMPI is currently commonly administered in one of two forms — the MMPI-2, which has 567 true/false questions, and the newer MMPI-2-RF, published in 2008 and containing only 338 true/false items. While the MMPI-2-RF is a newer measure and takes about half the time to complete (usually 30 to 50 minutes), the MMPI-2 is still the more widely used test because of its existing large research base and familiarity with psychologists. (Another version of the test — the MMPI-A — is designed exclusively for teenagers.)” (Framingham, 2016). The MMPI-2 test has 10 clinical sub scales: (1) hypochondriasis, (2) depression, (3) hysteria, (4) psychopathic deviate , (5) masculinity/femininity , (6) paranoia, (7) psych-asthenia, (8) schizophrenia, (9) hypomania, (10) social introversion. …show more content…
“ First, extant personality tests of that time were rationally rather than empirically derived. The MMPI was the first to be developed using empirical keying and was far more effective as a result, a fact that was evident very early. “