
The Pros And Cons Of The Maid Program

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The Medical Assistance in Dying program (MAID) has saved many lives by ending them. The MAID program allows patients to end their lives safely to save them from prolonged suffering and to give them peace. But how can medical professionals measure suffering when it cannot be seen? This is the question being asked by psychiatrists across Canada. What fits into the description of "grievous and irremediable"? (CAMH). From a scientific standpoint, it is difficult to determine how to measure the suffering caused by a mental illness. Alongside this, there are other arguments against MAID based on religion and ethics. The MAID program should not be extended to those diagnosed solely with a mental illness, as more measures need to be examined and established. …show more content…

Since 2021, there have been 10,064 patients who have passed through the MAID program and 31,662 since its creation in 2016 (Third Annual Report). Those who seek MAID each have their reasons for doing so. Some common reasons are the fear of being a burden to others, the loss of independence, pain and despair, anxiety, and uncertainty (Tate 27). These reasons come from people who are suffering from a physical illness, not a mental illness. Patients diagnosed with mental illness may feel they have exhausted all options, are not fully living their lives due to their condition, and want to find peace in death. In Canada, there are two ways to end life through the MAID program. Direct administration occurs through an injection by a doctor or a prescription that can be taken by the patient. Physically, there is minimal pain with these options as they act …show more content…

There are a multitude of diverse perspectives to consider and research to conduct before broadening the eligibility criteria to end one’s life. While it may seem like an overwhelming task, it’s important to just start. A starting point could be to review the definition of “grievous and irremediable” and establish valid and reliable measurement methods. In the meantime, therapy and other resources and supports must be made more easily accessible and affordable for all Canadians. options to be

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