The Pros And Cons Of The Middle East

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The Middle East is a very important foothold for the United States. Oil, Cotton and Textile, and other valuable materials are being shipped from the Middle East to here. Israel is constantly under threat of being attacked from all sides and is trying their best to survive. Monarchies and governments in the Middle East have been or are being demolished and replaced by revolutionary extremist groups that will kill thousands of U.S citizens to show some muscle. The Middle East is a very troubling place in the world that houses many problems that the United States must help rebuild the Middle East and bring them into the modern world. Not only has the U.S put so much money and time into the Middle East, they have also been sending troops or politicians to solve the problems. One place that the United States has sent many troops and politicians to is Israel. Israel …show more content…

In 1947, Truman accepted the United Nations “Plan of Palestine”, which gave Israel 53% of the land and Palestine 47% of the land(Tristam). Many Muslims were outraged about this and the nations surrounding Israel wanted to wipe them off the map for good. Soon enough, in 1948, the Israeli War of Independence had just begun. Israel was being helped by France, Britain, and the U.S and the opposing side was Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia formed the local Palestinian militias(The History Guy). Obviously, the local Palestinian militia was defeated due to their lack of firepower and will to fight, the victory over the local Palestinian militia guaranteed Israel their independence in the Middle East. However, these conflicts only helped the flames of hatred between the Middle East and Israel. After a large amount of tension being built up, Israel decided it was time to take action and make sure they would not

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