The Pros And Cons Of The Park Service

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Coburn's report found that the Park Service has added 26 more parks to the system since 1997, though only a fraction of them are frequently visited. ” These two examples are out of many other ones that continue to drain away tax dollars. If nothing else, common sense should loudly protest such idiocy. Spending millions of dollars on such frivolous whims doesn't help society or nature. From these examples, we see that National Parks Service doesn't have a very efficient mindset on what to spend taxpayer's money on. National Parks Service persists to add more and more land marks to their stash of parks, bringing one to the table even before funds for the last one had been sufficiently gathered. However, these new and relatively unknown parks are not the only ones that are in shambles, regardless of the money being inserted into …show more content…

Even so, there are still one more thing to address. With such a terrible system, what would be the overall cost of this program's blunders. Sen. Tom Coburn, the retiring senior Republican Senator from Oklahoma, issued a report summing up some of the countless wasteful expenses costed by this program. He writes quote, “•$11.5 billion in a deferred maintenance backlog for NPS; •$30 million for a campaign to celebrate the NPS 100 Year Anniversary Celebration; •$3.4 million annually for a Natural Sounds Program; •$731,000 spent investigating Gateway Arch for cleaning, but there was no cleaning done. The reasoning: the NPS didn’t want to waste dollars “starting a process that was incorrect,” which included 7 years and 3 studies; •$367,000 for multiple music festivals in 2013; •$174,000 for a 3D HD Underwater Imaging Project; •$79,000 collecting data on “Visitor Perceptions of Climate Change in U.S. National Parks;” •$25,000 on NPS Video Game Production; and •$2,500 for inflatable water rides in Iowa

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