The Pros And Cons Of The Presidential Selection Process

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The presidential selection process is one of the most important processes in the United States. It’s the most well thought out election, involving the majority of the people in the country. From the very first election to the present one, most of the rules of the selecting process have been beneficial to America, while others have caused conflicts and surfacing problems. In this essay I will describe in detail what major reforms to the presidential selection process that I believe that should be made, including the primary process and the general election, along with the likelihood of any of these personal reforms becoming valid in the future. One of the main arguments that I believe are in effect in today’s time is the Electoral College. …show more content…

I believe that it would give us better presidential nominees and encourage full voter participation. If we had open primaries, we could choose more centrist and less ideologically pure candidates. Both democrats and republicans often need independent voters to win at the general election stage, yet they make it difficult for voters to join the electoral process. Open primaries would allow each party to address the issues that matter to all the voters. Citizens should be allowed to vote strategically in order to achieve a desired result. When having a closed primary, I personally think it ties the voter’s hands to strictly voting the specific party only. In the future, I feel like this reform could possibly occur. We currently have more closed primary states then open, and we also have a very low voting participation rate. I feel that the country will do whatever they can to raise the number of people who …show more content…

However, I feel that our country is constantly holding presidential elections. There is an election every four years, which to me seems very frequent for an election. With the rapid amount of elections and the short four-year presidential term, it makes it difficult for both the president and the people for the following reasons. It can be difficult for the president, for example, if the president is in the middle of creating a reform and has to cease his process because his first term ended and another election is needed to take place. In most cases, the same president will be elected again for their second term, which I believe wastes a great amount of time because the second election wasn’t even needed. As for the people, our country is constantly changing with different rules and presidents who run our country. Because of the difficulties that surface between the people and the president, I think that limiting the amount of elections our country has would be beneficial for many reasons. For one, fewer elections would improve the voter turnout. Citizens would have a stronger incentive to vote, and more time to carefully study the candidates and the issues. Change can be beneficial, but not frequent changes in who runs our country. When the people are frequently required to go vote, they can acquire voter fatigue, and their drive to go vote is no longer present. A

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