The Pros And Cons Of The Two Party System

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The United States’ two party system has been around since the founding fathers (although they intended politics to be nonpartisan, see “Era of Good Feelings”) so it typically isn’t on the top of the list when considering structural issues within the government, but it actually is one of the most important. The two party system is the root of many of the problems American’s are faced with today. It presents a lack of choice, lesser competition, a centralization of political ideas, and promotes blind voting. The problem with the two party system can be simply represented by a Simpson’s sketch: Homer: America, take a good look at your beloved candidates. They’re nothing but hideous space reptiles. [Unmasks them] [Audience gasps in terror] Pres. …show more content…

Not to paint with a wide brush, but a lot of people are so dead set on if they’re Republican or Democrat, they don’t bother to be knowledgeable on theirs and the opposing party’s candidate. The two party system unintentionally promotes blind voting, which is undoubtedly harmful to the United States government. In the recent past, the presidential seat has “flip-flopped” parties if it was not a successful office. And, logically, if it was a successful presidency, the same party would most likely win the next election. This is another problem with the two party system, again, not in its design but in the way humans operate. This problem is minor comparatively, but still is a problem nonetheless. Realistically, there is no possible solution to America’s two party system because it is self-perpetuating. It begins with the winner-take-all rules, leading to only one winner. This then implores strategic voting and the “wasted vote” theory takes effect. Voters choose not to support parties that they do not believe is viable, which discourages the creation of minor parties due to lack of voter support. Fewer parties are successful because of this, which helps the existing parties make rules to keep it a two party system. Assuming it could be changed though, this is how it should

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