The Pros And Cons Of The United States Postal Service

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The United States Postal Service (USPS) has been the source of communication for over two centuries. The USPS has provided efficient and reliable communication across the country. Postal Service is a necessity when it comes to gathering news and information, but the amount of people utilizing the USPS is decreasing. Overall, post offices should be restructured to meet the needs of a changing world because it has been a huge part of the nation for about three centuries, despite all the negativity that is associated with the USPS. The service most definitely cannot Just change overnight, there has to be effort and work put into the postal Service in order to keep it relevant. One way the Postal Service can be tweaked is by being rebranded, according …show more content…

Do use the Postal Service also helps business for companies. In Source E, Caitlin McDeuit expresses that, “ both the Postal Service and Direct Marketing Association say direct mail is a key source of customers for small businesses.” Getting pamphlets and coupons from a new businesses increases their consumer rate it’ll introduce people to these new and unknown businesses. Another reason the Postal Service should reschedule themselves is because people actually enjoy getting a personal letter rather than a text or an email. Kevin Cullen mentions that, “Email is fast and simple, But to me an old fashioned, handwritten letter has value in the speed obsessed world.” (Doc F) Receiving mail from people automatically make me feel better because I know that person cares enough to send a meaningful and personal letter rather than just a quick email. Letters are in church for quite a long time but emails are much less personal and easy to lose track of. Personally, I enjoy getting mail because it feels more genuine and I keep all the letters I get, that actually have meaning, and I am able to re-read them and they can automatically bring me back to when I first got the letter and remind me that a person genuinely cared enough to reach out to me in a personal manner. Overall, the

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