The Pros And Cons Of The Wolf Population

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YNP should take more of a hands off approach to help nature take its course. This would allow growth for wolves and would also cause growth for plant life. When the wolf population grows, the population of prey goes down. The wolves will die a natural death and the cycle will continue. The wolf population has a great impact on the ecosystem and would devastate some forms of life. If we keep the wolf population the way it is and not do anything, this will help nature in the long run. The wolves are a keystone species and the removal of a species like this could hurt the population more so than if we keep them. Although wolves have been known for their carnivorous behavior and to raid cow, sheep and other livestock, they regulate the amount of species in a certain area at a time. This allows plant growth and more food for herbivores. Wolves also keep other animals healthy by hunting the impaired animals or the ones with a disease.(Sierra Club, 2009) This proves that even though wolves might be a nuisance to some, we shouldn't rid these animals because of their beneficial values. …show more content…

“The wolves impact on the cattle industry in the western united states is miniscule, 2 or 300 cattle were killed and 400 some sheep were documented killed. And that's in the industry that is counted in the millions.” Said Franz Camenzind. But if we rid of one animal that is the alpha, there is a chance that that pack won't reproduce and or come back. This evidence makes it clear that wolves are helping more than they are hurting. Even though wolves are helpful in the ecosystem, they do have some

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