The Pros And Cons Of United States Congress

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The United States Congress was created by the founding fathers for representatives voted by their constituents to create legislation and to keep the President in check for the betterment of the nation. Congress was seen as the heart and soul of democracy and many believed that congressmen listened to their problems and would enact change to help. Today, Congress is seen as corrupt, unproductive, and always promising, but never delivering. Several politicians have run for Congress saying they will end the corruptness and bring upon changes to end the unproductiveness. Unfortunately, Congress is still progressing at a slow grind. Even after the election of 2016 where the Republican Party won a majority in both houses of Congress and the Presidency, they are still struggling to pass legislation. Congressman have been wondering how to fix the partisan divide to allow legislation to pass. A simple solution would …show more content…

There are many "earmarked projects that have revitalized communities, saved lives, or improved local economies. Earmarks have funded hundreds of job training programs, paved roads that reduced traffic, supported the police officers protecting our streets, underwritten research on diseases, revitalized blighted neighborhoods, developed technologies to improve national defense, built libraries and schools, and given children new opportunities to learn" (USN). Every earmark is hand-picked by someone elected to represent the community. Earmarks can represent what a community truly wants for itself. Members of Congress always stay in contact with their constituents, and usualy have a good idea on what communit member want and need. They use that perspective to cut down a large numbers of community earmark requests down to a few of the most important and needed state or district priorities and a few of them are picked to be funded through