The Pros And Cons Of Vaccination

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Thanks to the vaccinated, diseases are not swarming among the New Zealand population. The severity of this subject should not be neglected -thousands of families in New Zealand still refuse to vaccinate themselves because of their pseudo-scientific beliefs about vaccinations. Our society needs to make vaccinations compulsory to all individuals who are medically capable of receiving vaccines, and medical authorities have stressed this point so many times already. However, even in the 21st century, there are still ignorant and selfish people who refuse to vaccinate due to their illogical beliefs, bringing harm to the health of our community. Thus the initial step to being a healthy country is to clear the false information behind vaccinations, and trust our reliable medical authorities. False claims about vaccinations …show more content…

Social media and news sites have led to many individuals believing in the incorrect facts. Many do not understand the concept of “immunity” when it comes to vaccines. To be immune defines the process that the cells are able to fight back against the disease -with antibodies. Contradicting to the definition above, a popular health site writes “A twice-vaccinated individual was found to have spread measles to multiple individuals”. Drummond, a Waikato Times journalist uses a personal anecdote to serve as anti-vaccination evidence: “When I was a child, I got measles and mumps. I'd been vaccinated for both”. How does this argue against the function of vaccines when the infection of the disease is expected? The function of vaccinations presents itself afterwards when the body fights against the disease to acquire natural immunity! Think about this: It doesn’t matter if you contract a disease or not, vaccinated individuals will fight off the disease and it can only do so after it enters your

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