
The Pros And Cons Of WWII

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In the early part of the twentieth century the world witnessed many dramatic events related to the barbaric human desire to occupy peaceful nations for the sake of expanding self-centered nationalism ideologies. Countries adopted such approach were Nazi Germany (had already been defeated in World War I), Fascist Italy, and Imperialistic -militarism Japan. These countries comprised what was then called the Axis countries. These countries claimed the historical credit of starting the World War II (WWII). The Axis countries started the WWII each by their own merits. In 1931 Japan occupied Manchuria from China that lead to a long war in Asia and the Pacific, in 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia and parts of north Africa, and Germany’s outrage …show more content…

In 1945, the USA dropped two atomic bombs on two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The devastation caused by the bombs lead to immediate surrender of Japan to the allied forces lead by the USA. Japan as a country was destructed by the war effect. The infrastructure of roads, water and power were heavily destroyed. Japan lost all of its occupied territories in the pacific and east Asia. Japan army was dismantled and Japan was not allowed to hold large-scale army as before. The Emperor of Japan “Showa” was striped from its both political and military powers, and became only a simple of the royal family in Japan. In 1952, the allied forces lead by USA ended its occupation of Japan and a peace treaty was signed accordingly between Japan and USA recognizing the sovereignty of Japan and the right to have its own self defense …show more content…

These zones were under the control of the USA, Britain, France and the former Soviet Union (Russia today). In 1945, the four countries initially wanted in the Potsdam Conference to direct their efforts to have an economically united Germany for the revival of the greater Europe. However, this dream was confronted with different interests of the Soviet Union contrary to the outcome of the Potsdam Conference. The Soviet Union sought then that it would be of their strategic interest to wide spread its communist ideology into the German zone that was under their control. The Soviet Union controlled zone started to develop separately from the other three western zones as a result of the communist economic polies introduced then of redistributing the land to the farmers and transferring the companies to the state ownership. In 1946 the USA and Britain controlled zones merged with each other and became the “Bizonia”, and in 1947, the USA did not see any hope of success to the cooperation process with the Soviet Union that was intended to lead back then to the reunification of Germany . The creation of Western Germany started to shape up when France joined in merging its controlled zone with the USA and Britain to form the “Trizonia” in 1984. The article “‘World War II” (1990) the author recommends the Pursuing the

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