Pro And Cons Of Declaration Of War On American Soil By President James K. Polk

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President James K. Polk asked Congress for a declaration of war against Mexico because, as he said, “American blood had been shed on American soil”. President Polk wanted to gain some of Mexico’s territory. He decided to send someone to Mexico with an offer. The offer was that the United States would pay Mexico for the Texan boundary of the Rio Grande, New Mexico territory, and California. Mexico was not interested in the offer or selling the territory and refused the offer, which ended with an angry president Polk after learning their response. After Polk learned about them refusing his offer, he sent his troops onto territory that Mexico and America had “claimed”. Mexico soon attacked the Americans for invading their territory. Which is where the quote “American blood had been shed on American soil”. Which the truthfulness of this claim varies.
I think the truthfulness of the claim “American blood had been shed on American soil” is not really that truthful. Why? One reason would be that when the American troops were attacked by the Mexican army, they were on a territory both claimed by each other. Meaning the whole territory wasn’t all American and the whole territory wasn’t all Mexico’s. The territory really wasn’t totally claimed by anyone. So for Polk to go back and say that “American …show more content…

Americans would get to expand their nation to the Pacific, which is called Manifest Destiny. Some of the cons would be going in debt for the war costs, people dying (more lives would be lost), Mexico might have an advantage since we’ll be going to war on their soil, and expanding