The Pros And Cons Of Welfare Programs

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The United States government has created programs that are referred to as social programs, there are about eighty programs that are in effect today. These programs include things such as welfare, ebt. They are programs that are designed to help people who are having a rough time with money and can't really make ends meat to support themselves or their kids and family. Ebt has been designed to allow families to buy food for themselves with government debit cards, the spending amount is based off the income of course. Welfare is a system that helps a person or a family in need by giving them a check when in need of money to make ends meat. As good as these programs sound they have been manipulated and abused by many which is causing them to require …show more content…

To put 35 percent into perspective that is about 109,631,000 people on welfare” (Jeffrey). It's not just poor people on welfare, a good span of every ethnic race is acquiring welfare. “About forty three point fifty seven percent of the white population is on welfare and fifty eight point sixty eight percent of the white population is not on welfare. Twentyeight point one percent of the black population is on welfare and thirteen point sixty five percent of the population is not on welfare. Twenty two point fifty nine percent of the hispanic race is on welfare and nineteen point forty five percent of the hispanic race not on welfare. Sixty three percent of families with one or more child is on welfare and forty one point thirty four percent of them are not. What is interesting is that people with less than a high school degree have a rate of twenty one point fifteen percent on welfare. Then people with a GED have forty eight point six percent on welfare, but that all changes when you go up to education as far as the Bachelors with a strong seven point seventy three percent acquiring welfare. This shows that higher education levels with give you more of an opportunity to provide for yourself” (Fusaro). “Most people who are on welfare come from a lot of different places and have a lot of different stories on how they got to this point in life. Some are just down on their luck or …show more content…

EBT has came a long way. It works just like a debit card that the state issues. It is available in thirty one states currently and is continuing to expand to all fifty states in the near future. To qualify for EBT you must have 130% less income than official poverty guidelines. The amount of stamps you get depends on your income and how much you may buy depends on the size of your family” (fusaro). For example if your family consist of you and your son or daughter you would only qualify for enough to feed the two of you. If your family consist of you and your significant other with three kids, you would qualify for a lot more than a two person family. This system is used to support a family and stop them from going hungry which in this day and age is very helpful when used properly. It is a fairly simple system but is being taken advantage of which makes it hard to keep the program alive and helping those in

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