The Pros And Cons Of Whaling

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INTRODUCTION Whaling used to be accepted not long ago. Whales were seen as resources for human life. But recently, this animal begins to disappear. Unsustainable exploration and mismanagement of the shares cause extinction of these species. Illegal whaling activity plays a major role in nearly wiping out this animal. IWC (International Whaling Commission) see whaling on 20th century as no longer necessary and only wipe this animal population with useless exploration. This is why IWC continues to oppose the return of commercial whaling. Meanwhile, for some countries whaling is a culture from long time ago. For example after World War II, whale was an important resource for Japanese people to live. This history make Japanese believe that whaling is an important culture to keep going on. Nowadays, the dispute between Japan and IWC has become bigger, as Japan continuously hunt and kill many whales with the use of lethal method, IWC keep the pressure on Japan to stop whaling activity in Antarctic Ocean . This issue is important because it’s hard to solve this problem just by looking on one side point of view. It’s true …show more content…

Its oil use in the machine, whalebone use as women fashion, and many people consume whale meat. Whale was a huge resource for human life, and was considered limitless. Whale meat was an important resource during and after World War II for Japanese people. And because of the history, this activity becomes a common culture in Japan, where whale resource used as commercial purpose. But then long history of unsustainable exploration and mismanagement of whale shares become the reason of the endangerment of this animal. Secrete and illegal whaling activity also plays a major role for this problem. With the endangerment of this animal, many countries encourage to stop the whaling activity for commercial purpose. On the other side, this activity has become a necessary culture and it is important to respect the others

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