The Pull Of Freedom Analysis

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Harriet Tubman. Frederick Douglass. Nat Turner. Sojourner Truth. Many people learn about these four courageous African Americans and their struggles for freedom, but many more Blacks pushed for freedom and made it. In fact, in Brenda Barrett’s novel The Pull of Freedom, the author details the struggles two fictional characters who were treated with cruelty and violence, and escaped their plantation to start a new journey in a different country. Those characters would do anything just to get freedom. Brenda Barrett’s novel “The Pull of Freedom” is an accurate representation of Jamaica in the 1700’s because it describes plantation life, slavery, social status and illegal immigration.

Brenda Barrett connected the novel “The Pull of Freedom” plantation life to the real aspects of Jamaica in the 1700’s. The first way she developed an authentic plantation life is because “by the early 1700’s, sugar estates worked by black slaves were established throughout the island”(Veront Satchell). The book shows similarity when, the author states “his boss was moving into sugar cultivation and needed more or of them” (Chapter 1). This is similar because they wanted more blacks working in the sugar plantation than the others. Another way she created a connection is when working in the sugar plantation was a way of work …show more content…

“Slaves of both genders and every age were in all facets of the island’s economy, in both rural and urban areas”(Veront Satchell). In the book, it states that Martha said “This, here, is where you will clear down to the stream,” she said pointing to thick, bushy area populated with trees”(Chapter 2).”When they reached the thick cover of trees near the plantation, Cudjoe blew his abeng”(Chapter 8). The correspondence between this is that most of them stayed in rural areas, where a lot of trees are surrounded. Jamaica’s economy has more of the higher classes staying in those