
The Purpose Of Martin Luther King Freedom And Equality

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"The Freedom and Equality" - Martin Luther King Equality, justice, and freedom are the defining moments of the civil rights movement.
The purpose of Martin Luther King in delivering his speech "I Have A Dream" was to make Americans of all racial backgrounds aware of the racial, civil, and economic inequality that was taking place in the United States. The speech was used to raise awareness of the problems in American society regarding civil rights and to point out that racism and discrimination must be eradicated. Martin Luther King explains to the audience the equality that every race needs; he could appeal specifically to the patriotism of his listeners. America must embody freedom and symbolize an age of new beginnings. While the American dream is freedom, justice, and equality for all, this was not true for African Americans at the time. During the time of the speech, systematized racism was prominent. This made it impossible for African Americans to get jobs. Slavery was abolished years ago. However, white Americans cannot accept the fact that black Americans were also Americans as they were. It is the people who remember the foundations and morals on which America is built that understand the importance of individual human rights. He also claimed that we are all the same under the color of our skin. We are all humans. He presented a beautiful and convincing vision of equality for all that one day the country would change into a better version of it. …show more content…

However, he makes sure that he maintains eye contact with the audience, making them feel as if he were directly talking to them individually. Furthermore, as observed, he delivered the speech in a conversational style. He considered his audience when writing his manuscript, wanting them to be able to relate to the

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