The Qur 'An Isn' T Reliable

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The Bible, the Torah, the Qur’an, the Tripitaka, the Vedas, the Kojiki, the Avesta; all of them are sacred books belonging to a certain religion. People have been following the scared book of their religion for generations ever since they were made. So obviously, eventually people would wonder ‘How do you know what you’re reading is reliable?’ It is very important to know how reliable a holy book is because most religions are built upon what is written on those books. One of the most questioned books is the Qur’an. It a very book coming from a rather controversial religion, Islam. Many Muslims claim that this is book is what Allah said word for word. The historical context for the Qur’an can very controversial due to fact that the words of Muhammad were written into the Qur’an years after he died. I do think that the Qur’an is not reliable. I believe that the Qur’an is not reliable because it contradicts itself, the historical context is very complicated, and early copies of it were destroyed. The first reason why I believe the Qur’an isn’t reliable it’s because it contradicts itself. As mentioned before, Muslims believe that what is written in Qur’an is what Allah said word by word and therefore, what is written in …show more content…

The problem with this is that it contradicts itself so much. For example, it mentions that there are going to be groups of people in Judgment day. Surah 56:7 says “And ye shall be sorted out into three classes”. Surah 90:18-19 says “Such are the Companions of the Right Hand. But those who reject Our Signs they are the (unhappy) companions of the Left Hand.” So one verse says three groups and the other says two groups. Who takes the souls of the death? Surah 32:11 says “Say:

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