The Raisin In The Sun Denotation Analysis

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The denotation of a word is its prescribed,dictionary-type definition. Denotation is a translation of a sign to its meaning, precisely to its literal meaning, more or less like dictionaries try to define it. Denotation is sometimes contrasted to connotation, which translates a sign to meanings associated with it.
Connotation refers to a whole layer of associations,ideas,or attitudes that are often attached to a word. Denotation and Connotation have the same function they are refers to the sentence which has literal or intended meaning.
The writer believes that in “The Raisin In The Sun” drama has denotation and connotation. However, because they are using Black-English American Language there are some sentences which is not appropriate because …show more content…

Walter has denotation and Connotation meaning. The denotation means of a word is its prescribed,dictionary-type definition. On Mr.Walter conversation the witer believes that the denotation on these sentence is “we figured the initial investment on the place” the meaning of the sentence is appropriate with dictionary-type definition because there is no other meaning beside it.
On the other hand, there is also connotation language the writer believes that Mr. Walter uses both of the language to be united in order to convey his ideas. As it is written on the script “don't spend yourlife just waiting for them clowns to let your license get approved—“. The writer believes that there are 2 meaning of “Clowns” here as we know “Clowns” are someone who performs in a circus, who wears funny clothes and makeup, and who tries to make people laugh (Merriam Webster). It is not convenient with the condition as we know that Mr. Walter is trying to convey the intended meaning. The writer believes that “Clowns” means someone who has rude or stupid person. Since they were living between world war II the writer believes that “Clowns” means a group of white people who has a rude attitude with them. The other meaning is “Clowns” means a group of people who are laughing at their life because they are living as colored