
The Raising Of Children Dbq Essay

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The Raising of children has been a topic that has changed quite a lot because things change due to the surroundings of the child and who they are bore from. Children from the 16th - 17th century were treated well based on their social status on birth, if you were born into wealth you would likely survive and if you were born a bastard or into poverty then you would be more likely to die of disease or infanticide. Although infanticide was rampant in Europe during these times it had been going for ages, like in Sparta when children were born female or weak they would kill them because they weren’t good enough to be born into their society.The adults opinion on children over time changed from loving their children to killing them changed a lot …show more content…

The women of the time didn’t want to throw away their looks by breast feeding their children and would hire wet nurses to do it for them. This idea was challenged by some who thought that women should breastfeed their own children because it was their duty as a mother and it was a sin to not do so.(doc 5) The parents during this time didn’t spend enough time with their children as to not get close to them just incase they die like many other children did. Parents wanted their children to obey them and Savile’s idea to do this was to give them what they want as much as possible so that they will grow up to love and obey …show more content…

There was big change in places like Austria and Russia where they got education for both male and female children not of the same level but basic education for both. The education of a child would depend greatly on the child’s home and parents, this was apparent in The Hollands household with Lord Holland’s son Charles would get whatever he wanted when he wanted it which his father was educating him on how to act and gaining his love and respect for letting him do

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