The Ransom's Red Chief Situational Irony Analysis

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Situational irony can be unanticipated. How the author describes the characters throughout the story with the emotions they feel and their ideas can heavily impact the situational irony. Situational irony can often have a huge twist in the story, whether or not it is about the main character or just the idea or setting of it. O. Henry from “The Ransom’s Red Chief,” uses situational irony to create an amusing effect on the reader. Guy de Maupassant from “The Necklace,” uses situational irony to create an enormous amount of sympathy for the characters of the story. Both authors, O. Henry and Guy de Maupassant, both acquire a tremendous case of situational irony in their stories. O. Henry uses situational irony to produce the effect of humor in “The Ransom Red Chief.” For instance, the boy that is being kidnapped, Johnny, is actually enjoying it. This is ironic because Johnny should be horrified, however he enjoys staying away from home. Instead of trembling with fear Johnny is bouncing with excitement and joy. After the boy is told he was to stay a while, he said, “‘All right!...I never had such fun in all my life’” (13). This shows that Johnny is having absolutely no fear of being kidnapped. Another example of situational irony is how instead of Johnny’s father wanting to pay every penny he has to get …show more content…

The audience can feel differently about the surprises or situational irony for the characters because of who they are and what they do throughout the story. O. Henry’s “Ransom of Red Chief” shows a humorous case of situational irony. Guy de Maupassant’s “The Necklace” can either create a sympathetic or lousy feeling for the characters of the story. Both authors from both stories create an unexpected twist which leads into conflicts which then leads into some circumstances. O. Henry and Guy de Maupassant both have a similar yet completely different case of situational