The Ravine: Similarities Between Joe-Boy And Vinny

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In the short story ‘’The Ravine’’’ Joe-Boy and Vinny have both have similarities and differences character traits.They have other friends that are on the island. They are all 15 years old. There are 2 more friends Starlene and Mo. There is this boy that is 14 years old and his name is Butchie. Vinny is scared because he is thinking that he is going to find the dead boy’s body in the water. Joe-Boy is childish because on page 4, Joe-Boy says ‘’ Hey, maybe you gonna be the one to find his body’’. On page 8 it says that Vinny held his breath because he thought Starlene was going to die. Vinny is doubtful of jumping because on page 11 Vinny whispered to himself ‘’ I can’t .” Joe-Boy is mean but Vinny is weak. Joe-Boy is brave

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