The Real Lincoln Delorenzo Summary

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In The Real Lincoln, author Thomas J. DiLorenzo . Lincoln’s shock of black hair brown furrowed face and deep set eyes made him look older than what he really was he was a familiar figure to almost everyone his singular way of walking which gave the impression that his long gaunt frame needed oiling. Lincoln clearly understood that he was new in the field that outside he was not the first choice of a very great many his only political experience on the national level consisted of two failed. He was among the six dissenting voice with one other colleague who had also voted against resolution his issue a formal protest. He believed that constitution didn’t give congress the power to interfere with slavery in the states where it was already established. …show more content…

Though he was born in the slave state their opposition had led them to change religious congregations and eventually they had moved to the free state. Abraham Lincoln did not go to war to free the slaves. Rather he intentionally and irrevocably denied Americans the freedom that was established by the founding fathers, from the 1860s straight into modern times. Lincoln defenders have, for years, argued against these facts with nothing but their denial to back up their …show more content…

His first goal was to win the endorsement of the Sangamon witch would appoint delegates to the congressional district nominating convention. He praises the old Confederacy and tries to explain away the fact that its economy and social system was based very largely on slavery. Seems though Lincoln may have wanted to be a dictator, his office wasn't one of unlimited power, quite the contrary, the presidency was a weak post both before and after Lincoln. Lincolns remarkable empathy had singularly failed him in this initial approached to the impending consequences of emancipation. Even though he had tried to put himself in the place of black community left him unaware of their deep attachment to their country. He became a mentor to a young lawyer and politicians indicated that he was successfully achieving another goal of the midlife transition achieving integrating the feminine side of his

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