The American Dream And Positive Thinking

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The American dream is a dream that can be dreamt into a dream which has the potential to become reality from what it was originally, just a dream. Many believe that the American Dream in which their life goals being reached is no longer a realistic state of being, since its death many years ago and is simply advertised as living by those more fortunate or well off than them. The belief that I currently hold about the American Dream is that those that are able to see themselves in a higher state of being can and will be able to rise toward their goals. Those people are actively reaching for the daydreams and fantasies they themselves have thought up to one day breath them into reality. The American Dream always has been alive, living well in …show more content…

In an article, “Scientific Evidence Points to The Importance of Positive Thinking” by Lynne Malcolm quotes the lead researcher of the study on the benefits of positivity Barbara Fredrickson. Fredrickson states that, “What seems to be unique about positive emotions is that they expand our awareness so that at the moment that we are experiencing positive emotions… our peripheral vision expands, our ability to take in more of our surroundings and connect the dots and see the big picture is facilitated... so that having more moments of that open mindset help us connect with others and build our relationships, it helps us build our resilience, it helps us build our physical health because we become more energetic.” This study expands on the concept that positivity can aid the body physically and exponentially accelerate the process of progressing towards our goals while keeping us moving forward. Being able to expand our state of awareness, connect experiences to see what we have been missing, and to gain a boost to our physical being is an enhancement we could use to advance exponentially. I added this tidbit because Fredrickson, the lead researcher on positivity in The University of North Carolina, emphasises the benefits of …show more content…

Others could argue that some are unlucky enough to not be able to dig themselves up from the hole they were born in. Many could also state that not all have the innate talent or skill needed to make nothing into something. Such as is mentioned in the article, “The Problem With Favoring Natural Talent Over Hard Work” by Carolyn Gregoire uses a researcher’s statement informing that, “We are willing to give up better-qualified candidates in order to hire those believed to be naturals...We are likely to perceive the performance attributed to naturals as better than the same performance when attributed to strivers…”(Dr. Chia-Jung Tsay). This quote from the article explicitly states that we would rather acknowledge a naturally talented individual rather than a hardworking one. Saying this implies that many hard workers get glanced over to the other that just seems to have been born with their skills and talent in their field. In my opinion, anyone can go from the bottom straight to the top and talent or innate skill doesn 't necessarily have to be in the equation. To support my claim I have found a quote from the article, “What is More Important Talent or Hard Work?” by Inspiria which states that, “...Talent is futile unless you go for it. One should never sit on a couch and expect for a good result. Just because you have talent