The Red Badge Of Courage Summary

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The Red Badge of Courage is a novel written by Stephen Crane that takes place during the Civil War. The book follows a young boy, often referred to as “the youth,” named Henry Fleming. Henry is part of the 304th Union Regiment. The book begins with the regiment resting along a riverbank, where it has been camped for weeks. A rumor, started by a soldier named Jim Conklin, spreads around camp stating that the army will march soon. Henry worries about his courage and if he will flee or not when he starts to battle. Henry is a recent recruit of the 304th Regiment and joined the army because he was drawn to the glory of military conflict; “He had, of course, dreamed of battles all his life - of vague and bloody conflicts that had thrilled him with …show more content…

The soldiers spend several days traveling on foot before they reach a battlefield and Henry finally hears conflict in the distance. The regiment charges and Henry realizes that he can’t flee even if he wanted to because he was boxed in by the other Union troops. The Union regiment defeats the Confederate soldiers and they all congratulate each other. Henry, after waking from a quick nap, realizes the enemy is charging again and flees in terror. He tries to comfort himself by telling himself that he made the right decision, there was no way that his regiment could win. His comforting thoughts soon shatter when he passes a general on horseback and hears that his regiment held back the enemy charge. Henry feels like a coward and wanders through the woods. He eventually runs into another regiment of Union soldiers and joins them. He is very jealous of them because they are all wounded and have “a red badge of courage,” or visible proof of heroic behavior on the …show more content…

The regiment charges an enemy regiment that is stationed behind a fence. After a battle the Union regiment claim the fence, take in four prisoners, and Wilson seizes the enemy’s flag. At this point in time Henry reflects on his experiences in war. He is happy over his recent success in battle, but is ashamed of his selfish behavior the day before. But he has come through “the res sickness” of battle and puts his guilt behind him. He looks forward to a peaceful manhood within himself. This novel takes place during an unspecified time in the Civil War. The novel follows Henry into a battle only lasting several days. This battle is most likely the Battle at Chancellorsville, which took place April 30 to May 6, 1863. According to “The Veteran” (a short story Stephen Crane published a year after The Red Badge of Courage) Henry fought the Battle at Chancellorsville from May 1-3, 1863. This battle was held in Virginia[b]. During this battle slaves are emancipated by Lincoln (May 2,

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