Chapter Summary: The Business Card

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Business Card
The business card for Henry and his regiment shows just how inexperienced he is. With so few battles that he has fought back in, his regiment was used for dangerous suicide missions like we saw in the second to last battles Henry was a part of. This creates a split of views between Henry's regiment and the generals. As Henry's regiment sees it they have fought hard; however, from the generals point of view their regiment sacrifices don't add up to other more experienced regiments. With this in mind Henry's regiment seems more expendable. Keeping this in mind the generals made a logical choice in who they sent in to hold off the first wave of confederates until so that the better fighters stand a chance at winning the battle.

Wanted Poster
The wanted poster shows the retreating soldier that had hit Henry when Henry had stumbled upon a raging battle. This soldier could have easily been Henry if he would have left the fight against the rebs. This soldier symbolizes the fear that Henry has about fleeing battles. When this soldier runs, Henry …show more content…

Using the timeline helps show the important settings and moments for Henry throughout the novel. Considering the amount of growth and change Henry experienced the timeline makes it very easy to detect the turning points for Henry. A few of these events that extremely change Henry’s character such as, Henry running from battle, abandoning Jim Conklin when he was injured, and carrying the flag during battle. With each event that passes you can see the change in him by how Henry handles each new situation. At the beginning of the novel Henry tends to be more panicked by the situation he is faced with; however, by the time he reached the end of Henry's journey he accepts whatever life throws at him. With each event that passed Henry seemed to be more ready to fight for his friends and not for his