The Republican Party System Analysis

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The system had began around the late 1770 's. The system is important because it helps separate all the different ideas in politics and makes it easier to choose which idea would be better. The creators of the two-party system, The Federalists and Republicans (Anti-Federalists), were men who looked upon parties as those who had supported the policies of George Washington Administration became known as Federalists because they supported a strong national government as a counterweight to the States. The President 's two principal advisors, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, were the founders of this system. The whole thing was started by a petty argument between Hamilton and Jefferson but became the foundation of the earlier political …show more content…

The Republican Party is a known as the grand old party, was formed by Amos Tuck in 1854, when he brought together antislavery leaders to oppose against slavery. At that time they just stood for one issue. When they lost the presidential election, they realized they needed to take stand on more issues if they were going to win. So they set in a transcontinental railroad and offered free land to settlers. In 1860, their republican candidate won, none other than Abraham Lincoln.
Today, the Republican Party take a conservative stand on issues. They believe the government shouldn’t play much role in people’s lives. The Republican Party favors lower taxes and less government spending on social and welfare …show more content…

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is a U.S. political committee that provides national leadership for the Republican Party of the United States. It is responsible for developing and promoting the Republican political platform, as well as coordinating fundraising and election strategy. It is also responsible for organizing and running the Republican National Convention. Similar committees exist in every U.S. state and most U.S. counties, although in some states party organization is structured by congressional district, allied campaign organizations being governed by a national committee. Reince Priebus is the current RNC