Volcano Research and Our Sources Volcano Relationships of the People and Environment of 1980-2008 What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust. Volcanoes can form land near water. The magma that comes out as lava forms the land. Sure it might make the environment in danger or make forest fires, but really it is just making larger land. Magma/Lava Magma is part of the mantle underground. Apparently magma and lava are "different" things. Actually they are both the same thing. Lava is just magma over the ground (crust). They both can get a whooping 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It can burn …show more content…
By the lava turning to rock, assume that the volcano will get larger. It will make a form of a type of volcano. Some volcanoes are large and others not so much. There are also hidden volcanoes in some places like Yellowstone. Those geysers and the hot springs resemble to that because of the mantle under the crust. What are the Different Types of Volcanoes Some of the types of volcanoes are the Shield, Cinder Cone and Stratovolcano (Composite Volcano). There are actually 6 different types as you will see in the image below: Underwater Volcanoes There are underwater volcanoes that does erupt in the ocean that have the same effects as land volcanoes. It only happens at the very bottom but there are pretty large eruptions. Tsunamis happens sometimes when submarine volcanoes (underwater volcanoes) largely erupts and cause the huge waves. Space Volcano Even in the Solar System there are volcanoes. There are some volcanoes in planets like Venus and Mars. Mars is home to the Olympus Mons, the biggest volcano in the Solar System. Moons have volcanoes as well. Titan, moon of Saturn and the place the most like Earth, has cryovolcanoes that have cryomagma/cryolava. We think it has the opposite of regular lava or magma. How Many Volcanoes Are There on