The Revolutions: The Three Phases Of The Mexican Revolution

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Historians often divide the Mexican Revolution into three main periods of fighting due to its length and complexity. Of the three periods, the one that had the most impact on Mexican society at the time was the first phase in which Francisco Madero overthrew Porfirio Diaz as new revolutionary leaders such as Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa arose. This period allowed people that were not usually involved in politics to become more involved. The phase of the revolution that had the most potential to create change in Mexican society later was the third one that saw Conventionalists take on Constitutionalists for control of the country. This stage created the Constitution and led to a single political party gaining control of México. During the first phase of the revolution, new faces began to influence Mexican society and Francisco Madero emerged as the leader. Madero’s anti-reelection slogan resonated with many Mexicans and eventually led them to respond to his call to arms. This response from the nation affected the current political system as Diaz fell to the revolutionaries and this shift in power caused Mexicans to be more politically active as they could now vote in elections that were more fair than they had previously been under the Porfiriato. The new leaders of the revolution (Emiliano Zapata, Pascual Orozco, and Pancho Villa) affected society at the time as they fought for the ideals that they believed to be right. Zapata fought for land reform in the south and