The River Flows North Graciela Limon Analysis

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In the very tragic and realistic story. Author Graciela Limon paints our imagination with a story that is way too familiar to any Mexicano and children of immigrants. These stories have become folklore, allmost cliche. Like the mexican cindirella, where everyone knows the plot an dthe backgrounds of thecharacters, except our story is tragic and true. And yet we find beauty in it. Sfter all, overcoming tragedy and resistance seems to be the essence of mexican culture. The story The great talent of Graciela Limon’s writing style is in her vivid and almost ainful descriptions of every moment . you can alomost feel yourself in the story and that is a great talent gracuela limon possess. All you see in The River Flows North is detailed description of the landscapes and the feelings of the People. Their painful stories, there journey of …show more content…

Expanding the notion of the “disappeared” to take into account migrant disappearances at the border, these novels increasingly attend to the significance of absent bodies that interrupt narratives of belonging and identity. In assigning responsibility for cultural trauma, the novels condemn nativism and xenophobia, as well as the demand for cheap and exploitable labor, and the institution of border enforcement initiatives that knowingly increase the possibility of migrant deaths, in an effort to bring attention to the human costs of inhumane border and immigration policies. But they also suggest the construction of collective identities based on a recognition and narration of the trauma caused by migration and