The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost Essay

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Everyone is going to reach a "fork in the road" at one point in their lives. They might not know what to do and just choose the path that is better looking. But there is more than just choosing a path without looking at all the different details and the possible outcomes. "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, published in 1916, is a perfect example on choosing a path and what most people should put into account. It is a poem about a man who has reached a split in the road and has to make a choice on which way to go. He analyzes them and finds out that they are two similar paths. At the end of the poem, he finally makes his decision on which road to take. Robert Frost uses the help of nature poetry and the symbolism of two roads as to having to make those tough decisions in life.
Robert Frost uses the concept of nature poetry perfectly in "The Road Not Taken." A perfect example from the text would be, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood (Frost)." The yellow wood clearly …show more content…

The result of the decision is more often than not worth it. Even Robert Frost says in the poem, "I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference (Frost)." In other words, it is good to be unique and take the other path that most people will not take. But sometimes it is not about the decision that people commit. "But it has made no difference at all, The difference, the life, is created in the telling, something that Frost does, of course, masterfully (Ward)." There is an old saying when people go on a trip, it is more about the journey than it is about the destination. When that man in the poem reaches the split, it appears that he is actually enjoying his time making a choice.
The uses of symbolism and nature poetry helps the reader understand "The Road Not Taken" clearly. What Robert Frost was trying to get people to think of when they read his poem is to look at all the options that are on the table and to not to go with the one that appears to look the best right