The Road Not Taken Extended Metaphor

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Anabelle Crum-Gross Mcskeane Adv. English 8 6 January 2023 Essay Has identity or belonging ever played a major role in your life, or made you question a decision you have made? The caged bird in “Sympathy” by Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the road in “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, and the metaphor “I am an island” in the poem “I am a Rock” by Simon and Garfunkel all have metaphors that prove the author does not feel like he belongs. In the poem, “Sympathy” by Paul Larence Dunbar the extended metaphor illustrates the lack of belonging the author is experiencing. “I know how a caged bird feels”(Dunbar, line 1), The direct meaning of the metaphor is that the author feels like a caged bird. The metaphor then brings out a deeper meaning in the poem because it shows how the author feels as if he is locked away. This metaphor is continued throughout the entire poem which further strengthens its meaning. Later on in the poem, the metaphor is rephrased "I know why the caged bird beats his wings"(Dunbar, line 8), the author's repetition of the idea of a …show more content…

When the metaphor is elaborated on it shows how the author does not feel a sense of belonging to the road which he chose. He regrets the path he took, but does not wish he took the other path, he wishes he took his path. Because he does not feel as if he belongs on the path he took it shows how the author does not feel a sense of belonging. The metaphor heightens the sense of dis-belonging because it allows the reader to have a more insightful meaning to the poem. Robert Frost feels he doesn’t belong to the life path that he had