The Road To Mecca Analysis

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The community of New Bethesda perspective of women and marriage weighted heavily on the relationships depicted in The Road to Mecca. Abuse, alcoholism, affair and marriage not of love these are the situations that are faced by the characters. Men and society are largely to blame for these problems. This is evident with Katrina in her abusive relationship with Koos. (Fugard 2003: Act 1 pg23) Similarly with Helen’s relationship, her marriage kept her bonded. She was not free to make her own choices. Fugard 2003: Act 2 pg71) However regarding Elsa’s relationship of lies and deceit, it was of choice. (Fugard 2003: Act 1 pg30) She can not be seen as a victim in her situation.
Women who are dependent on men often become unfortunate victims to abuse and domestic violences. Katrina is one of many who experience this brutal behavior from her husband. Koos has no trust in Katrina. He accuses her of engaging in other marital affairs. (Fugard 2003: Act 1 pg23) Alcohol and distrust are major issues that lead to abuse either physically or emotionally in relationships. Distrust causes men to become possessive over women and then believe that women are their property. As portrayed by Katrina, most women are helpless and afraid to voice their problems either for further abuse or society’s reaction. Society’s view on marriage affects the relationship deeply. Once married society believes they need to accept the hostile behaviour from their partners. Referring to Helen’s statement “She