
The Role Of Aunt Cordelia In Irene Hunt's Up A Road Slowly

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In Up a Road Slowly, written by Irene Hunt, the readers view of Julies aunt, Aunt Cordelia changes throughout the novel. At the beginning of the book Aunt Cordelia is looked at as being a stern and strict Aunt. After Aggies death, Jonathan Eltwing's visit and the way Julies view of Aunt Cordelia changes, readers can see that in fact Aunt Cordelia has a sweet and nice side to her. Readers understand that Aunt Cordelia changes throughout the novel because by the end of the book Julie begins to love, appreciate and recognize the good in her.
After Aggie becomes sick readers can see that Aunt Cordelia is not only mean but she is also compassionate. When Aggie becomes ill in the middle of the book aunt Cordelia rushes over to her house to help her.
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