The Role Of Communication In The Neanderthals

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Communication is key when it comes to getting your point aross. In todays society it is not uncommon not to physically speak with someone; but to communicate by electronic devices. Throughout the day we communicate with one another through computers, tablets and cell phones. I believe that the form of communication we use today could have been influenced by the way they communicated over 15000 years ago. At that time they communicated without words, but relied primarily on pictures.France and Sprain has many different historic sites that has thousands of visitors yearly. but one location that has a lot of history are the caves of Lascaux. The climate in the Neanderthals was extremely cold. Like any other cold locationt this made it difficult to produce resources to use such as crops. Therefore, everything was extremely scare and hard to come by. Honestly, I believe that the caves of Lascaux was discovered on accident. When the drawings in the cave was originally discovered it caused a ample amount of astonishment from …show more content…

Some are intened to be interpreted differerntly. Some have distinct and fine lines that are carved into the soft calcite surface of the cave. While others are just abstracted and contoured with many different line forms. Even though some of the painitings and artwork have a wide range of colord there are some that are plain, in black and white. All of the different art styles primarily revolves back to the animal drawings. Throughout the cave there are different rooms that the artwork is scattered in. as previously stated there are some tight and narrow spaces that makes it diffeicult to access. Over time, there has been stone tools located and some what look like could have been scaffolding in the walls of the cave. This allows me to believe that once they were finished they just walked away from the masterpiece that was created knowing that their pantings would tell an fascinating